A Coin Toss Does Not Determine Your Divorce Odds!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tgKyIOyvpI Somewhere around 48-49% of marriages end in divorce. Kinda like a coin toss: 50/50 odds on heads or tails. Except it’s not. Marriage is not a coin toss. And you are NOT at the whims of chances or odds. Let me tell you what changes the odds, and how you can escape that group […]
These 2 Fears Will Destroy Your Marriage… Unless You Learn the Truth
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42WAEKYB3Dw Fears. We all have them. Some are rational. Some are irrational. Some are unique to an individual. And some are universal. There are 2 specific (and universal) fears that will slowly tear down your marriage, with the push-pull between them. They are universal, so both you and your spouse have them. And I am […]
What Your Marriage Therapist Won’t Tell You (but you need to know about marriage therapy)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbpLK9SLk4U Are you thinking about marriage therapy? Are you already going? Or maybe you tried it… and can’t figure out why it didn’t help (and may have hurt). There are 3 big elements of therapy that lead to a very low success rate (I tell you the stats in this video). One has to do […]
5 Marriage Murdering Myths
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpqm_-R_rI0 Do you believe any of the myths about marriage that can murder your relationship? Let’s talk about 5 big myths about the marriage relationship that can cause big problems in your marriage, leading to unhappiness, disappointment, and divorce. These are myths I see in my conversations with hurting couples on a daily basis. And […]
DON’T Do This To Your Spouse! (Therapy/Coaching Edition)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGGBmoz8Hk8 Not quite an emergency video… but almost! In back-to-back coaching sessions, things went south. The couples ended up worse than when we started. And BOTH couples violated my #1 rule for working with me… one by accident and the other on purpose(!). Had I not been clear enough? Nope. I was pretty clear. The […]
Has Your Spouse Lost Hope? What to Do, How to Help…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0bgVciQUTQ If your marriage is in trouble, and you are working to make it better, but your spouse is all out of hope… you need to understand what is wrong and how to rebuild it. We all need hope. When we lose hope, we lose our way. Has your spouse lost hope in rebuilding your […]