Training in progress below. Click play to get started.
Stay until the end for a free gift.
The Secrets of a Healthy Marriage…
Here’s the story:
After 3 decades of working with couples, I’ve heard it many times before, but this time, it seemed to be in every session.
First, John looked like he had taken a gut-punch when he heard his wife. “You aren’t a bad man,” she told him, “But you aren’t a good husband.”
John and Sue were sitting on my couch, trying to unwind the hurt and pain. As much as he wanted to be in a good marriage, John just couldn’t make the changes Sue was hoping for.
Then came Paul, I was talking to him on the phone. “Why can’t I just get it together?”, he asked. His marriage was not where he wanted it to be, with lots of pain from past struggles.
Then Paul suddenly shifted to a whisper, “I have no idea what I am doing here. My father was never around, and when he was, they were fighting. How am I supposed to know how to be a husband?”
Then, when I met with Alex, he told me that every day, he was terrified that he was going to make another mistake? Was he going to have a “PO’d wife” as he called it. Would he feel like a failure again?
The result: he was scared to do anything… which ironically led to a pissed off spouse.
I’ve heard those same things over and over.
How about you?
Are you the husband you want to be? That your spouse wants you to be?
This is an interesting moment in history, and many men really haven’t had a chance to even witness what it means to be a good husband. It’s kind of a function of history. 
With nearly 50% of marriages ending in divorce, around half of men grew up in broken homes. They didn’t see good examples of spousal interaction. And many in intact families had fathers who were often absent, with work or other interests. Spousal interactions were sparse. And many of the truly significant interactions were not in the open. You couldn’t even see the good stuff happening!
As one man told me, “The discussions I did hear were loud and angry. I never knew how they talked when they weren’t angry. I guess it was the volume problem. The good talks were too quiet to hear. The bad talks were too loud to miss.”
What if being a good husband is really about learning some skills?
In other words, what if you could learn to be a good husband? Even if you never had a good model. Even if you don’t know how right now?
Guess what? That is exactly the case. Being a good husband amounts to:
  • Knowledge.
  • Skills.
  • Action.
You have to understand what it means to be a good husband and have a great marriage. You need to have the skills of a great husband. And then, you just have to act on the knowledge and skills.
You just need the knowledge and skills, then take action. 1, 2, 3. The steps to being not just a good, but a great, husband!
What would it mean for you to have:
You Can!
Let me tell you what I did for John, Paul, and Alex.
I made them an offer…
“Give me a month, and I will give you the tools, knowledge, and skills you need for a lifetime of being a great husband!”
On the spot, out of desperation to make a difference in their lives, I created a Husband Bootcamp.
A fitness bootcamp is designed to give you a running start on fitness. Get in shape, then stay in shape. That’s what bootcamps do. They get you started on a path to be better. To be in better shape with a fitness bootcamp.
Here Is Just Some Of What We Cover In The 30-Day Husband Bootcamp…
And That’s Only What We’ll Cover In The First Few Days, There’s More…

It all comes as part of The Husband Bootcamp

And you are 100% safe to try this out. 

That’s all I’m suggesting. Just try the training for 7 days to see if it works for you. 

If it does, you’ll be delighted – and I think that’s exactly what’s about to happen.  If for some reason you’re not delighted with the new loving marriage, full of warmth and connection, then just let me know – and you get all your money back.

It Worked For These People And It Will Work For You Too

“Radically different…I finally have hope..

My marriage has been in trouble for years. I’ve read other books. . . your ideas are radically different from the others. I’ve never read anything like it. Now, things are improving. I finally have hope!” – Brad R.

“A dramatic turn around! What a dramatic turn around! Our relationship is 180 degrees reversed and moving in the RIGHT direction! Thank you so much!” – Nancy T.
– Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.
“The Husband Bootcamp is about being a better spouse and having a better marriage!”
Act Now And Get These Bonuses
Since we know it’s 100% to your benefit to act right away, we want to sweeten the pot and give you every possible reason to say YES today! If you respond immediately, you’ll also receive the following:
6-Month VIP Members Only Audio Training

Over the course of 6 months, I will send you a weekly training to hone your skills and understandings. These curated, hand-picked trainings have only been available to my coaching and VIP members. I want to make sure you can get the traction you need. So, each week, I’ll email you a special link to a different training each week, paced over six months, so you don’t have to worry about being overwhelmed.  Just take it a step at a time.

Total Value: $997 (FREE)
The Forgive Process Training

Do you find yourself stuck in reaction-mode, with resentment and hurt feelings keeping you from moving forward? Many people want to move forward. But most don’t know how. You may know you need to forgive, but aren’t even sure what that means, or how to do it. This training is designed to help you master the six-step Forgive Process. Find out how to let go of the hurt and resentment so that you can have the relationship you want.

Total Value: $297 (FREE)
The Thrive System

Are you thriving? Most people aren’t, but don’t know how to get there. But if you aren’t thriving, it is much harder to have a thriving relationship. So, we need to help you shift, using my Thrive System. There are two major components to the System. One helps you build your Thrive Plan. The other helps you implement it as a daily habit. I’ll provide both to you, along with training, so you can implement the Thrive System into your daily life, quickly and easily.

Total Value: $197 (FREE)
Daily Guide Sheets

Once you have gone through the training, you want an easy guide through the process. The Daily Guide Sheets give you reminders and direction, so that you can easily stay on-target and on-course. You don’t have to go hunting through the main trainings. You can brush up with the Daily Guide Sheets and stay moving forward.

Total Value: $197 (FREE)
Private Facebook Group

Be a part of the “members-only” Facebook group we are so you can meet and support other husbands just like you go through the process.

It’s a great place for fellowship and to bounce ideas off of one another.

Total Value: $397 (FREE)
It’s Decision Time
You have a choice to make: Do what you’ve been doing (or worse, do nothing at all). You know where that will lead. Stuck. Frustrated. Disconnected. Failing.
Is that really where you want to go? 
There is another option: Take a new action, and get a new result.
Get back to the love, connection, and peace you both want. Restore your marriage and regain your confidence. Discover the hidden power of your marriage.
Here’s what to do now… click the button below and join The Husband Bootcamp right now!  
I look forward to seeing you inside!  

Total Value: $4,082

Regular Price: $997.00
Get Started Today for $497

Your satisfaction is assured through our no risk, you-can’t-lose, 100%, no-questions-asked, iron-clad money-back guarantee. If for any reason, you aren’t thrilled and satisfied with your purchase, contact us within 30 Days and we’ll refund 100% of your purchase price.


Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.
Relationship Coach and Marriage Expert

P.S. — This gem will be sold for $997.00. This introductory price of $497 is a “Buy it NOW before it’s gone” offer… so act fast!…

P.P.S. — Let’s be blunt: If you pass on this offer, will you have the marriage that you desire? Probably not!

You’ll still wish and want it, but you’ll continue going round and round the proverbial hamster wheel.

Act now! Buy now! Your satisfaction is guaranteed.

Your satisfaction is assured through our no risk, you-can’t-lose, 100%, no-questions-asked, iron-clad money-back guarantee. If for any reason, you aren’t thrilled and satisfied with your purchase, contact us within 30 Days and we’ll refund 100% of your purchase price.
© 2022 The Husband Bootcamp